Carol Lee Brosseau

 Miller Gaffney (2002-03) and Carol Lee Pryor Brosseau (33) host "Art Breakers." The series premieres on Sunday evening on Ovation. It follows their experiences as art brokers who connect buyers, collectors, artist and sellers. The couple recorded four episodes the couple, and will be on air throughout the month beginning on October 4th, starting at 7pm Central. Ovation has nearly 50MM subscribers. It also promotes artists through its Ovation Digital Art network. They hope to be granted the green light soon to film more. Baylor was an institution where I made many friends who have been influential in my life. Karen Pope, Art History Department. I was able to take a lot of the classes I took with Dr. Pope. She also took me to Chicago and Paris to learn art. Her enthusiasm for art was evident. It was always an enjoyable experience to study with her. I had a summer job as a mechanic's associate changing oil and brake pads.    



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